
When you sign up for Dayslice, we use the calendar associated with your account to set your availability (using your browser’s time zone).

E.g If you are in New York City, your browser is likely in Eastern Time (EST), your Dayslice availability will be in Eastern Time. If you are in San Francisco and your calendar is in PST, your Dayslice will also be in PST.

Traveling? You can change the time zone for your Dayslice availability by going to any event and opening the “Availability” tab as shown here:

Screen Shot 2022-02-02 at 9.03.42 AM.png


Availability is localized for the guest to ensure they have the best experience when booking with you. We will automatically show your availability in their time zone.

E.g If Mary is located in New York (EST), and you are located in San Francisco (PST), when you look at Mary’s Dayslice and book time, her availability will be shown to you in your time zone (PST).

<aside> 👉🏽 Have questions or need more help? Email us [email protected]
