Dayslice Pro users with multiple events can choose to Unlist an event and share it exclusively with select customers. Unlisted Events are not displayed on your public Dayslice page. This feature is useful when you’re testing out a new event, pricing, or just having an event for casual chats not directly related to your core services/business.

How it works:

  1. Go to your Edit page on Dayslice
  2. Choose the event you’d like to unlist and click the 👁 icon as shown below
  3. Once you click the icon, you’ll see the event becomes unlisted and now can only be seen by anyone who has a private link
  4. If you’d like to make it public again, simply click the 👁 once again and it will display on your Dayslice page

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<aside> 👉🏽 Questions or feedback? Send us a message at [email protected]
